Why Your Grandma Is an Evolutionary Mystery (feat. @MamaDoctorJones) https://youtu.be/iKLwzmjfcW4?si=y5PYWDZRtQmNSFHL

a ciência explica… a sua avó! como manter o cérebro jovem, por que jovens não te escutam?

Why Your Grandma Is an Evolutionary Mystery (feat. @MamaDoctorJones) https://youtu.be/iKLwzmjfcW4?si=y5PYWDZRtQmNSFHL

The Lancet: 40% of dementia cases could be prevented or delayed by targeting 12 risk factors throughout life http://alzheimers.org.uk/news/2024-11-22/lancet-40-dementia-cases-could-be-prevented-or-delayed-targeting-12-risk-factors

Chameleon Gives Birth To Live Babies In The Branches | BBC Earth https://youtu.be/lT_Ld8Q4hHY?si=OdRlK2rk-Bh5gtxL

(via ChatGPT) Lifestyle and Health Correlation https://chatgpt.com/share/67e13881-4300-8006-bd0a-678c913d6060

(via ChatGPT) Utility Function Overview https://chatgpt.com/share/67e1389c-58cc-8006-ad61-f0b6a703ba8f

How Do Elements Get Their Physical Properties – Simple Explanation | Arvin Ash https://youtu.be/8PbcR8SRq0E?si=VPxh5qyVxa2BY2HN

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By Rob984 - Derived from File:Germany on the globe (Germany centered).svg, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=70142692

qual o segredo do país mais feliz do mundo? o futuro é chinês? qual a certeza da Ciência?

Finland is again ranked the happiest country in the world. The US falls to its lowest-ever position https://apnews.com/article/world-happiness-report-ranking-finland-afghanistan-us-b41c1712448762d98fe9e4f80233c15f

Finland https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finland

can you correlate how happy countries are and how religious their populations are https://www.perplexity.ai/search/can-you-correlate-how-happy-co-opaN3eBLQNmi132_Uiyjdg

(via ChatGPT) Happiness vs Religiosity Trends https://chatgpt.com/share/67dd6c38-0c78-8006-967f-42abed3a4f19

(via ChatGPT) Religion and Social Activism https://chatgpt.com/share/67dd7109-4b64-8006-8551-cbdf3f4ba838

Dark energy isn’t what we thought – and that may transform the cosmos http://newscientist.com/article/2471743-dark-energy-isnt-what-we-thought-and-that-may-transform-the-cosmos

Dark Energy experiment challenges Einstein’s theory of Universe https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4geldjjge0o

Raphael Bousso
‪It’s important to map out our universe! But dynamical dark energy remains wildly implausible. It’s a fanciful notion, requires fine tuning worse than a pencil on its tip, and yet more tuning for the sole purpose of hiding itself from observers for so long. I call it a unicorn in a duck suit here: https://bsky.app/profile/bousso.bsky.social/post/3lkrdvwpavc2s

Christopher Hitchens’ 20-Minute TAKEDOWN of Christianity https://youtu.be/Yg6dF8CATd4?si=LJVFaZJhtLGTiKjR

Atomic Anomaly Confirmed! Evidence for a “dark force”? https://youtu.be/XCQN7g-2fag?si=MkR3FBwXqmBWdYp6

China Will Soon Lead World in Science and Tech https://youtu.be/2e0Q8_f7fic?si=y2LO4p6UdEMF-lm3

Revenge of the Vikings: The Road to 1066 (Episode 2) https://youtu.be/71TmCEwmoKE?si=XiR-LdgHCkHEZq_x

(via ChatGPT) Sigma Levels in Science https://chatgpt.com/share/67dd6c10-3664-8006-9ff5-4499aac89cd3

Danish city puts Vikings at crossing signals https://apnews.com/article/87bf0b693fda4c74bbf72096080d8d31

Green Viking, walk. Red Viking, stop. https://www.thehistoryblog.com/archives/56240
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para xs raríssimxs internacionais, aqui está nossa caneca no Zazzle: https://www.zazzle.com/radinhos_anniversary_mug-168129613992374138

minha lojinha no Colab55 (posters, camisetas, adesivos, sacolas): http://bit.ly/renecolab

meu livro novo na lojinha! blue notes

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a realidade é uma ilusão? Vikings x Cristianismo, Maoris e povos originais do Canadá x Cristianismo

The Road to 1066: Anglo-Saxon Apocalypse (Part 1) https://pca.st/13xz480l

Why Your Brain Blinds You For 2 Hours Every Day https://youtu.be/wo_e0EvEZn8?si=LU72RjFB4FwOpEoG

Why More Māori Are Rejecting Christianity https://youtu.be/xRaCohbTgGI?si=YNDIVAaSlgysN7yc

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radinho no telegram: http://t.me/radinhodepilha

meu perfil no Threads: https://www.threads.net/@renedepaulajr

meu perfil no BlueSky https://bsky.app/profile/renedepaula.bsky.social

meu twitter http://twitter.com/renedepaula

aqui está o link para a caneca no Colab55: https://www.colab55.com/@rene/mugs/caneca-rarissima

para xs raríssimxs internacionais, aqui está nossa caneca no Zazzle: https://www.zazzle.com/radinhos_anniversary_mug-168129613992374138

minha lojinha no Colab55 (posters, camisetas, adesivos, sacolas): http://bit.ly/renecolab

meu livro novo na lojinha! blue notes

meu livro solo https://www.ko-fi.com/s/0f990d61c7

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