a história mais antiga do mundo, a revolução da ordem alfabética, o primeiro humano foi…?

The World’s Oldest Story? Astronomers Say Global Myths About ‘Seven Sisters’ Stars May Reach Back 100,000 Years https://www.iflscience.com/space/the-worlds-oldest-story-astronomers-say-global-myths-about-seven-sisters-stars-may-reach-back-100000-years/ Rutherford and Fry on Living with AI https://pca.st/1ckpx05g 468- Alphabetical Order https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/alphabetical-order/ There Was No First Human https://youtu.be/xdWLhXi24Mo Museu Judaico de São Paulo abre no domingo, para exibir arte, história e pluralidade https://sao-paulo.estadao.com.br/noticias/geral,museu-judaico-de-sp-abre-no-domingo-para-exibir-arte-historia-e-pluralidade,70003913354 How many generations have … Read more

você está na Biblioteca de Babel! leitura profunda, China proíbe piadas, a genética da África

C. Thi Nguyen on Games, Art, Values, and Agency https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2021/10/18/169-c-thi-nguyen-on-games-art-values-and-agency/ COP26: David Attenborough says world is looking to leaders https://www.bbc.com/news/world-59125138 Sean Carroll’s Mindscape Podcast https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/ O que é a leitura profunda e por que ela faz bem para o cérebro https://www.bbc.com/portuguese/geral-59121175 Shutting Down Historical Debate, China Makes It a Crime to Mock Heroes https://nyti.ms/3qdBX4D Library … Read more

essa índia me representa; viva Burle Marx, ouvindo os mortos? a superbomba soviética

Txai Surui from the Amazon rainforest has addressed the COP26 climate conference https://twitter.com/BBCWorld/status/1455196178660868099 075 – O Dilema das Redes ⭐ Rene de Paula Jr (Série: Entrevistando Talentos) https://open.spotify.com/episode/3cYK4yKhrSKCveRctoOpFL Concept art for METROPOLIS (1927) by Erich Kettelhut. https://t.co/gBmPoW1n5L These U.S. States Have A Rare Chance To See Aurora Borealis Thanks To A Solar Storm https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisakim/2021/10/30/these-us-states-have-a-rare-chance-to-see-aurora-borealis-thanks-to-a-solar-storm/ Researchers … Read more