Drew Miller at Fortitude Ranch in northern Nevada, one of five such properties he has opened around the country in the past few years.Credit...Emily Najera for The New York Times http://nytimes.com/2024/07/13/business/fortitude-ranch-doomsday-economy-survival.html

os empreendedores do fim do mundo, a impotência e o ressentimento, o acaso e a Revolução Francesa

The French Revolution: The Violence Begins (Part 3) https://pca.st/episode/36363be0-003e-4757-9d09-0237da251d68

The Rest Is History Club https://therestishistory.supportingcast.fm/

A Ideologia do Ressentimento. O que é o Movimento Dialético? https://youtu.be/WGBFHzdEYB4?si=AmL-92Z6ijX7kvz9

Wicca http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wicca

Henotheism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henotheism

Huna (New Age) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huna_(New_Age)

Is There a Future in the Doomsday Economy? http://nytimes.com/2024/07/13/business/fortitude-ranch-doomsday-economy-survival.html

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aqui está o link para a caneca no Colab55: https://www.colab55.com/@rene/mugs/caneca-rarissima

para xs raríssimxs internacionais, aqui está nossa caneca no Zazzle: https://www.zazzle.com/radinhos_anniversary_mug-168129613992374138

minha lojinha no Colab55 (posters, camisetas, adesivos, sacolas): http://bit.ly/renecolab

meu livro novo na lojinha! blue notes

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Como arruinar uma rainha: a propaganda pornográfica usada contra Maria Antonieta https://rainhastragicas.com/2015/08/10/a-propaganda-pornografica-usada-contra-maria-antonieta/

sexo, moral e a Revolução Francesa, propaganda e utopias, 28 mil tipos de milho!

The French Revolution: Marie Antoinette (Part 1) https://pca.st/wzt0x8b3

LIBELLES AND POLITICAL PORNOGRAPHY https://alphahistory.com/frenchrevolution/libelles/

Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encyclop%C3%A9die_ou_Dictionnaire_raisonn%C3%A9_des_sciences,_des_arts_et_des_m%C3%A9tiers

Como arruinar uma rainha: a propaganda pornográfica usada contra Maria Antonieta https://rainhastragicas.com/2015/08/10/a-propaganda-pornografica-usada-contra-maria-antonieta/

How Corn Took Over the World https://youtu.be/4nLMl5-Hs5U?si=yIhmbCznN4C-yuGQ

Estado Islâmico: dez anos após grupo extremista chegar ao auge, qual perigo ele representa? https://youtu.be/dt4dJ2tV26o?si=4iESukFQ_mFeLGc6

Leia, Vale a Pena: Tábula Rasa, por Steven Pinker https://leiavaleapena.com/blank-slate-steven-pinker/

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radinho no telegram: http://t.me/radinhodepilha

aqui está o link para a caneca no Colab55: https://www.colab55.com/@rene/mugs/caneca-rarissima

para xs raríssimxs internacionais, aqui está nossa caneca no Zazzle: https://www.zazzle.com/radinhos_anniversary_mug-168129613992374138

minha lojinha no Colab55 (posters, camisetas, adesivos, sacolas): http://bit.ly/renecolab

meu livro novo na lojinha! blue notes

meu livro solo https://www.ko-fi.com/s/0f990d61c7

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minha lojinha no ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/renedepaula/shop

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The siblings published their AMOC paper in July 2023. "That’s when,” Peter says, “the shit hit the fan.” PHOTOGRAPH: EMILIE LAERKE http://wired.com/story/amoc-collapse-atlantic-ocean

masculino e feminino e linguagem, a corrente do Atlântico pode parar? oxigênio no fundo do mar?

TikTok Has a Nazi Problem https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-nazi-content-moderation/

How Soon Might the Atlantic Ocean Break? Two Sibling Scientists Found an Answer—and Shook the World http://wired.com/story/amoc-collapse-atlantic-ocean

‘Oxigênio negro’ no fundo do mar surpreende cientistas e põe em questão teorias sobre origem da vida http://estadao.com.br/ciencia/descoberta-oxigenio-negro-fundo-do-mar-oceano-pacifico-origem-vida

Why is a ship a ‘she’? https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w3ct5rhc

Stephen Fry Annihilates God and The Catholic Church https://youtu.be/VZpUUo2Hegg?si=fK4MN3XZKpCCPfAC

Amok syndrome https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amok_syndrome

newsletter Coffee Break no Linkedin: O Golpe do Século https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/o-golpe-do-s%25C3%25A9culo-ren%25C3%25A9-de-paula-jr–mgkyf

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meu perfil no Threads: https://www.threads.net/@renedepaulajr

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meu canal no Koo https://www.kooapp.com/profile/renedepaula

meu mastodon: rené de paula jr (@[email protected]) https://c.im/@renedepaula

meu “twitter” no telegram: https://t.me/renedepaulajr

meu twitter http://twitter.com/renedepaula

radinho no telegram: http://t.me/radinhodepilha

aqui está o link para a caneca no Colab55: https://www.colab55.com/@rene/mugs/caneca-rarissima

para xs raríssimxs internacionais, aqui está nossa caneca no Zazzle: https://www.zazzle.com/radinhos_anniversary_mug-168129613992374138

minha lojinha no Colab55 (posters, camisetas, adesivos, sacolas): http://bit.ly/renecolab

meu livro novo na lojinha! blue notes

meu livro solo https://www.ko-fi.com/s/0f990d61c7

o adesivo do radinho!!! http://bit.ly/rarissimos

minha lojinha no ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/renedepaula/shop

muito obrigado pelos cafés!!! http://ko-fi.com/renedepaula