música via WiFi, a tradutora/traidora dos Astecas, vantagens genéticas #sóquenão

Have an Autoimmune Disease? Blame the Black Death https://youtu.be/XwoFTcpI2ME?si=JyFnfho3dmvOVzKG The Rest Is History Club https://therestishistory.supportingcast.fm/ The Fall of the Aztecs: The Woman Who Changed The World (Part 2) https://pca.st/8sv5soyt Wi-Fi 7: everything you need to know about next-gen wireless for streaming https://www.whathifi.com/advice/wi-fi-7-everything-you-need-to-know-about-next-gen-wireless-for-streaming Bluetooth https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluetooth HED Unity Review – The World’s First Hi-Res Over Wireless Headphones … Read more

meditação x felicidade, cannabis x epigenética, “santidade” x empresas x ditaduras

Corfu joins Rhodes in evacuating over wildfires https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-66287208 Twitter muda de nome e agora se chama ‘X’; plataforma vai incluir funções de mensagens e pagamentos https://www.estadao.com.br/link/empresas/musk-anuncia-twitter-se-tornara-x-plataforma-nprei/ A ascensão da conspiritualidade https://revistaquestaodeciencia.com.br/apocalipse-now/2023/07/22/ascensao-da-conspiritualidade China Dominates Solar. Can the U.S. Even Stand a Chance? | WSJ U.S. vs. China https://youtu.be/JlhfC7Vg_Xo Cannabis Use Linked to Epigenetic Changes, Scientists Discover … Read more

internet x utopia x distopia, abaixo a cozinha??? os perigos da engenharia genética

rene de paula jr · internet x utopia x distopia, abaixo a cozinha??? os perigos da engenharia genética Quanto da utopia do princípio da internet ainda permanece? https://www.estadao.com.br/link/demi-getschko/quanto-da-utopia-do-principio-da-internet-ainda-permanece/ A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace https://www.eff.org/cyberspace-independence Sun breaks out with record number of sunspots, sparking solar storm concerns https://www.space.com/sun-highest-sunspot-number-since-2002 SPACE WEATHER PREDICTION CENTERNATIONAL OCEANIC AND … Read more