o poema que mudou o mundo!

The Lost Medieval Library Found in a Romanian Church – Medievalists.net

Lucrèce: la poésie en pleine nature https://pca.st/episode/5a56f558-1f95-4c48-a80a-77d1889c01cd

Carus, Titus Lucretius (c. 99–c. 55) – De Rerum Natura, On the Nature of Things: Home


Estado laico e a pescaria de peixes pequenos | Questão de Ciência


Overview of Antroposophy – ChatGPT


Nouveaux charlatans : on touche le faux – La science, CQFD

Rediscovery of Lucrecius https://chatgpt.com/share/6749e259-4b6c-8006-ae4c-115a25664b10