Hear the First Recording of the Human Voice (1860) https://www.openculture.com/2019/07/hear-the-first-recording-of-the-human-voice-1860.html

ouvindo vozes perdidas, você é o que você tem ou que você pode? você e seus átomos

Hear the First Recording of the Human Voice (1860) https://www.openculture.com/2019/07/hear-the-first-recording-of-the-human-voice-1860.html

Capability approach https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capability_approach

Human Development Index https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/human-development-index

Recording from 1860. Sound restoration. https://youtu.be/znKNQXo58pE?si=Ic6M0lESKR4yuatK

Case study suggests expanded opportunities drew people to mega settlements and spurred innovation 6,000 years ago http://phys.org/news/2024-11-case-opportunities-drew-people-mega.html

The Light Eaters: How the Unseen World of Plant Intelligence Offers a New Understanding of Life on Earth https://a.co/d/b5CN0oy

Neon (new) – Periodic Table of Videos https://youtu.be/ILkvZKSVRI4?si=ZvEGpDY9lB608SiG

Coreia do Sul: o que está por trás de anúncio de lei marcial que detonou crise política no país https://youtu.be/I3XYzIqIqRE?si=tPJDR4airUnK6Ipo

o que as empresas não querem que você saiba https://www.youtube.com/live/R-4ArHVbzpA?si=KrOuhblqPtrIRxcv

Chemical Composition of the Human Body http://thoughtco.com/chemical-composition-of-the-human-body-603995

Coreia do Sul: o passado autoritário da potência asiática https://www.bbc.com/portuguese/articles/c791ne3l1vjo

Who is Creating The Non-Human Army https://youtu.be/rpOkrxxpTcE?si=LJU5x433JJBu8ePb

Reusing plastic water bottles, to-go containers? Scientists say that’s a bad idea. https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-solutions/2024/12/01/single-use-plastics-reuse-risk/

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radinho no telegram: http://t.me/radinhodepilha

aqui está o link para a caneca no Colab55: https://www.colab55.com/@rene/mugs/caneca-rarissima

para xs raríssimxs internacionais, aqui está nossa caneca no Zazzle: https://www.zazzle.com/radinhos_anniversary_mug-168129613992374138

minha lojinha no Colab55 (posters, camisetas, adesivos, sacolas): http://bit.ly/renecolab

meu livro novo na lojinha! blue notes

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o adesivo do radinho!!! http://bit.ly/rarissimos

minha lojinha no ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/renedepaula/shop

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Inside the ancient Indian ritual where humans become gods https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy872p8m41eo

quando humanos viram deuses, como criar uma sociedade melhor, a Era da Ignorância?

Por que vivemos em uma era dominada pelo surpreendente encanto da ignorância? https://www.estadao.com.br/internacional/por-que-vivemos-em-uma-era-dominada-pelo-surpreendente-encanto-da-ignorancia/

Ideologia, ideologia (Eugenio Bucci) https://www.estadao.com.br/opiniao/eugenio-bucci/ideologia-ideologia/

Nicholas Christakis: From Social Networks to AI, Special Thanksgiving Podcast https://pca.st/1m1g3s0g

Blueprint: The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society by Nicholas Christakis https://a.co/d/c1ISVc0

Collapse of Earth’s main ocean water circulation system is already happening http://earth.com/news/collapse-of-main-atlantic-ocean-circulaton-current-amoc-is-already-happening

Inside the ancient Indian ritual where humans become gods http://bbc.com/news/articles/cy872p8m41eo

vista fake do céu em Marte https://www.instagram.com/reel/DCu-m4BuRHF/

Ancient Egyptians drank a heady mix of alcohol, bodily fluids and hallucinogens during rituals, scientists say https://edition.cnn.com/2024/11/26/science/egyptian-bes-mug-hallucinogens/index.html

Most comprehensive picture yet of how organs age at different rates http://newscientist.com/article/2458249-most-comprehensive-picture-yet-of-how-organs-age-at-different-rates

regeneração dos nossos átomos via Perplexity AI https://www.perplexity.ai/search/our-organs-age-at-different-sp-uSvKZz1_Sje4ehFccanc0w

(via ChatGPT) Constellations and Human Perspective https://chatgpt.com/share/674f078e-060c-8006-95b2-a4f8b6c8333f

Leia, Vale a Pena: http://leiavaleapena.com

Existential Physics by Sabine Hossenfelder https://a.co/d/cOu0mqL

Vape pode elevar os níveis de nicotina no corpo até 6 vezes mais que o cigarro comum https://www.estadao.com.br/saude/vape-pode-elevar-os-niveis-de-nicotina-no-corpo-ate-6-vezes-mais-que-o-cigarro-comum-nprm/

minhas fotos em Curaçao https://www.flickr.com/photos/renedepaula/albums/72157709553344952

canal do radinho no whatsapp!

meu perfil no Threads: https://www.threads.net/@renedepaulajr

meu perfil no BlueSky https://bsky.app/profile/renedepaula.bsky.social

meu mastodon: rené de paula jr (@[email protected]) https://c.im/@renedepaula

meu “twitter” no telegram: https://t.me/renedepaulajr

meu twitter http://twitter.com/renedepaula

radinho no telegram: http://t.me/radinhodepilha

aqui está o link para a caneca no Colab55: https://www.colab55.com/@rene/mugs/caneca-rarissima

para xs raríssimxs internacionais, aqui está nossa caneca no Zazzle: https://www.zazzle.com/radinhos_anniversary_mug-168129613992374138

minha lojinha no Colab55 (posters, camisetas, adesivos, sacolas): http://bit.ly/renecolab

meu livro novo na lojinha! blue notes

meu livro solo https://www.ko-fi.com/s/0f990d61c7

o adesivo do radinho!!! http://bit.ly/rarissimos

minha lojinha no ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/renedepaula/shop

muito obrigado pelos cafés!!! http://ko-fi.com/renedepaula

o poema que mudou o mundo!

The Lost Medieval Library Found in a Romanian Church – Medievalists.net

Lucrèce: la poésie en pleine nature https://pca.st/episode/5a56f558-1f95-4c48-a80a-77d1889c01cd

Carus, Titus Lucretius (c. 99–c. 55) – De Rerum Natura, On the Nature of Things: Home


Estado laico e a pescaria de peixes pequenos | Questão de Ciência


Overview of Antroposophy – ChatGPT


Nouveaux charlatans : on touche le faux – La science, CQFD

Rediscovery of Lucrecius https://chatgpt.com/share/6749e259-4b6c-8006-ae4c-115a25664b10