o mundo te dói? isso é Weltschmerz! A.I. aprendeu a mentir, mineração do fundo do oceano

AI Learned to Lie Deliberately (but it’s kinda funny) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoAVyzzO1XE

Deep-Sea Mining, Olympics & Red Lobster Update: 6/9/24: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkVQzk9qGHM

Asian elephants perform a special burial ritual for their calves https://www.earth.com/news/asian-elephants-perform-a-special-burial-ritual-for-their-calves/

Elephants seem to invent names for each other http://newscientist.com/article/2434896-elephants-seem-to-invent-names-for-each-other

Elefantes se chamam pelo ‘nome’, revela pesquisa http://bbc.com/portuguese/articles/c977v73p8zzo

Google Deepmind says open-ended AI is key to achieving superintelligence https://the-decoder.com/google-deepmind-says-open-ended-ai-is-key-to-achieving-superintelligence/

The upside of feeling dissatisfied with the world: How to work your “weltschmerz” https://bigthink.com/the-learning-curve/weltschmerz/

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para xs raríssimxs internacionais, aqui está nossa caneca no Zazzle: https://www.zazzle.com/radinhos_anniversary_mug-168129613992374138

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meu livro novo na lojinha! blue notes

meu livro solo https://www.ko-fi.com/s/0f990d61c7

o adesivo do radinho!!! http://bit.ly/rarissimos

minha lojinha no ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/renedepaula/shop

muito obrigado pelos cafés!!! http://ko-fi.com/renedepaula